January 20th 2022
True love surprises and we are planning nice surprises for you.
Valentine's Day is the feast of all lovers and of love. We are in love with our craftsmanship and celebrate it every day! These days, in particular, we are preparing many surprises for you and we will surely amaze you with a new and exclusive shopping experience... New website, new products, new colours... but the same quality and passion... We are in business from over 40 years and our goal is always the same: to make 110% happy all our customers coming from all over the world in the super best way!
August 6th 2021
Sacrifice and dedition led us celebrate our 40th Anniversary
Dear Customer, with this blog article Giuseppe, Luigi (owners of the ceramic store Piccadilly) and all Criscuolo's family really want to thank you all....you have always trusted us from very very long time and we are so proud to have you as our special customers. Every day from 40 years, with a lot of sacrifice and dedication, we do continue with a lot of passion and love this very very important and old tradtion started from Mario Criscuolo in 1981. We have started with a very small factory with only 2 workers and with a very tiny shop and today we do have a very big factory with 22 artists and 1 of the biggest Ceramic store of the Amalfi Coast, composed by 3 floors showroom and situated in Conca dei MArini, in the heart of Amalfi Coast and exaclty in front of the worldwide famous Amalfi Coast. Looking back, we realized that we have been walking through a long way and we are very proud of all goals we have reached thanks your super support...but we are super very projected towards the future, more than ever. This pandemic situation learned us a lot....learned how important is the family, how important is to put passion in all the things we do daily make, how satisfying is to make happy customers from all over the world and how beautiful is to receive lovely message and to see very happy faces once all our artworks are arrived super safety all over the world to give a touch of colors in your houses directly from Amalfi Coast. We have a lot of project and new ideas to increase our business and to always satifsy our customers in the super best way... We will thrill you with new shopping experience...we will delight you with new products and we will reward you with new unmissable promotions. Next week we will post a new blog article with a surprise and very often we will surprise you with new information, news and deals. So, taking care of all what you have read above, thank you once again for everything and stay super tuned! PS: DON'T FORGET THAT ONLINE AT THE MOMENT ALL OUR DINNERWARE SELECTION IS 10% DISCOUNTED...SO CLICK HERE TO HAVE A LOOK TO THESE MASTERPIECES However, in case you do have any specific requests, in case you want to surprise your family or your friend with a customize piece or in case you are looking for anything else, please feel free to contact us very soon and we will satisfy your special requests as fast as possible (you know where we are :) ) ONCE AGAIN, GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE. SUPER WARM REGARDS LUIGI AND GIUSEPPE CRISCUOLO OWNERS AND GENERAL MANAGERS CERAMICHE PICCADILLY 1981 - 2021
July 12th 2021
Animals design, a very ancient pattern
Discover the history of one of the most famous and ancient pattern of Ceramic Tradition.
October 23rd 2020
It's Xmas Time...1300 new artworks online!

August 28th 2020
Ceramic is a material known since ancient times. The fortune of this material is mainly due to the numerous characteristics that make it widespread even today. Discover the characteristics of ceramics.

July 24th 2020
Piccadilly Ceramic colors: our inspiration
Color as inspiration is the mission of Piccadilly Ceramiche, which uses dyes to export Amalfi beauty everywhere in the world.

July 7th 2020
New Service: Live Video Shopping
Discover how to contact us to have live video tour of our showroom in a very easy way!
July 2nd 2020
Handmade pieces, how to recognize them?
Today we want to offer a really interesting reading to all our friends, tourists and passionate readers of the world of craftsmanship. For many years the Amalfi coast has been known all over the world as well as for its scenic beauty, its historical monuments and its commendable culinary tradition and also for its fantastic artisan works. Given their beauty, they have far exceeded our territorial borders and every tourist, once they reach the Divine Coast, does not leave this enchanting corner of paradise if they have not purchased at least a small handmade souvenir from the skilled craftsmen of this breathtaking place. Even in Italy and abroad there are several ceramic retailers who, aware of the high quality of each individual item and aware of the high degree of appreciation of these masterpieces by a large clientele, wish to give a further shine to what they are their points of sale with Amalfi objects. Given the beauty of our articles, a minority of "operators in the sector" several times attempted to copy and reproduce (without success) the articles of our beloved coast with poor results. To avoid any deception, how can you identify an original item made in Amalfi Coast from one that is not handcrafted? Here there are some small tips to follow to really understand immediately if what you have purchased (or you are going to buy) is a product that is truly and entirely handpainted and handmade. Today we focus on the first aspect, it does mean we will analyze how an article should be painted. There are several techniques to understand this aspect and today we show you a very simple and quick one to check if an article is hand-painted or not. Let's take the example that you are interested in renewing your set of dishes to use every day and let's take the example that you have been fascinated by the classic design of lemons, one of the decorations that best reflects the traditions of the Amalfi Coast. You are about to buy these items but you want further confirmation that the items you are checking are hand painted, how to do it? To check the true quality of this items instead of looking at one, we advise you to ask the seller to show you a second of the same decoration you are interested in. This is because in this way you can make a simple comparison between the two articles and immediately understand their nature and see if the decoration was really hand-painted or if it was a print lying on top of the ceramic. Two ceramic items, although they may have the same decoration, will always have small differences that make each individual object unique, from the simplest to the most complex. Look carefully at the dishes that are in the following photo: The decoration, reproduced by one of our youngest artist, in the two dishes in the photo above is certainly among the simplest that we produce and, at first glance, the dishes may seem practically identical .... but have you noticed that there are at least 4 great differences that make them both unique? Let's find out together 1) lemons have slightly different dimensions from each other ... this is because the artist does not create the decoration using an already set scheme but each time paints each artwork in the most harmonious way possible ... it is possible reproduce the same decoration on several items but it is impossible to reproduce it without differences ... (note, for example, the third and fourth lemon of the upper row of this group of lemons ... in the left plate there is a very small celestial space that divides them while in the dish on the right the two lemons touch and overlap each other without leaving room for the light blue background). 2) leaves always have different sizes and they are always inclined in a different way because the artist paints them freehand and not following any scheme already preset; 3) the colors inside the lemons always have different shades ... if you compare each single lemon in the two dishes you can see the different brush strokes and the different shades of color that fill each lemon (inside the photo we left the effect of light and flash deliberately to allow you to see how each time the artist has wisely used multiple shades of yellow, brown, orange and red to obtain a perfect chroming of the symbol of the Amalfi coast) All this is possible because the amount of color that artist put on the brush every time dips it in the color is never the same and that's why every time he paints every single detail of a decoration in 2 different dishes, the pattern can have different shades. 4) Another fundamental aspect is the possibility of seeing the artist's brush stroke on the article. The articles whose decoration and whose color is put with a machine does not allow to see how the artist painted the article and the color seems perfectly placed on the article without any imperfection. When an article is hand-painted, instead, you can easily see how long the artist's brush stroke was and how wide the brush was used. That's why, if you notice the central part of each single lemon, you can see that the white part always has a different size ... in some lemons it is smaller, in others it is larger and in others it even seems not to be there. As for our business, we have been producing only handmade ceramic items for 39 years, meticulously respecting all the techniques of the local craftsmanship who make every single item, from the smallest to the largest, a real work of art. Our sets of dishes, our centerpieces and our gift ideas are just some of whole production ready to be shipped to every corner of the world in a very short time that 110% respect all the techniques explained above. These are just some news that we believe are right to share with you and soon there will be more updates on this topic, thanks for your attention. Best wishes and see you soon in our beloved coast. M.C.
June 16th 2020
Amalfi Coast Lemons: All things to know
Why is lemon so important in this corner of paradise? Let's find out together!

June 2nd 2020
Piccadilly: ready to (re)Start!!
Luigi and Giuseppe Criscuolo, owners of Piccadilly Ceramics, are very happy to inform you that the store will reopen tomorrow June 3rd!!!

May 28th 2020
Painting ceramics: the brush technique
There are many different decorating ideas and techniques for using brushwork on ceramics.

April 15th 2020
Italian Vases: our proposal
Here is Piccadilly's proposal about vases. A little bit of history and the main uses of these beautiful objects, so pleasant at the eye.
April 9th 2020
Coronavirus vs Piccadilly: we are all safe and ok, thank you!!!

March 13th 2020
Italian Tiles: an Historical Tradition
The word tile has its first origin from the latin word “tegula”, meaning a roof tile composed of fired clay. Only later it was adopted by the french language as “tuile” giving origin to the modern word.

February 13th 2020
Gift Ideas From Italy: Piccadilly Cermics
Piccadilly Ceramics guarantee a perfect gift because it has a wide selection of ideas to choose from.

January 14th 2020
Centrepieces Ideas From Italy
A Centrepiece is a symbol of Italy and Amalfi Coast; a hand-made and hand-painted centrepiece is an artwork which will give energy and colours to your table. It can have many uses and it can be a perfect gift for friends or family.

December 16th 2019
Lavastone Table: what are they and where to buy them?
The name Lavastone is directly connected to their origin. Out of the volcanoes the lava, made of fiery bubbles, when dries turn into a volcanic rock: the lavastone.

December 13th 2019
How to Decorate the Christmas Tree with Ceramic Baubles
Christmas is coming and it is time to decorate the tree! So why don’t decorate it with small artworks like ceramic artisan baubles?

December 10th 2019
Italian Christmas Ornament for an Unforgettable Christmas
December is the perfect month to buy a gift for the people we love. Our ceramics offer multiple options to choose from, so they became the perfect idea for Christmas presents.

October 25th 2019
How to furnish with vases: 4 ideas and tips
To personalize and give character to a home there are not only furniture, but also furnishing accessories, that is to say accessories that help to form the furnishing of an internal or external environment. Among these furnishing complements there are also vases, capable of tastefully enriching every corner of the house when chosen wisely.